Saturday, January 17, 2009

well fuck

So the staying up without sleep idea to start the week backfired horrendously. I managed to stay up until 5:15 am Saturday morning, at which time I was talking to a friend who claimed that every 10 minutes or so I was drifting off mid sentence (sometimes she was talking when I fell asleep but sometimes I was talking when I fell asleep.... crazy) and my eyes were rolling into the back of my head and such, so I decided it was time to end the sleeplessness and begin the nap stage. So, nervously, I set up my phone alarm AND my egg alarm to go off at about a minute apart from each other @ 5:40 (the egg alarm isn't exact time-wise when compared to my phone, so they would not go off simultaneously), and I ALSO set a timer on my egg alarm for 30 minutes so that it would also go off some time around 5:40. When I woke up at noon, I checked both of my alarms and the timer, and based on the state of the phone and of the egg alarm, the only possible answer to what happened is that I slept through the timer and got up and turned off both alarms all without waking up. Absolutely ridiculous. Anyways, I'm going to march on like always, skipping my 1 pm nap today since I just slept for forever. I will possibly skip the 5 pm nap as well.

And again I want to reiterate that... fuck. This experiment/sleep change/whateverthefuckyouwantocallit is possibly the most challenging thing I will ever attempt. It's different than the challenge of writing a paper for finals or climbing a mountain, I know, but that said, it is still a true challenge, and I think that's my motivation to keep going after I've failed some.... 5? Times now. Anyways, I'm going to attempt to write immediately after taking every nap as to have some motivation to get out of bed - if I'm conscious when I turn off my next alarm, that is.

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